Thursday, February 11, 2010

Hey here's a place safe from Rebecca

Hi Mom and Dad:
Jon and I were talking on the phone yesterday, and he told me that Rebecca is singlehandedly keeping you both of Facebook. I have to say I understand that.
So here's an alternative if we want to share stuff online. I just made this blog, creatively called "Blog for Mom, Dad, Jon and Kate." Nobody will find it. We can post anything here.
I think you guys can comment below right away. Wait, you might need a gmail address, I'm not sure. Give it a shot and let me know if it works. If we like it, I can fix it up a bit more and give you all access to be able to write new posts.
If it's too crazy, no worries.


  1. Well, this all looks very mysterious! Which Rebecca are we talking about, and how is she "keeping us both of [sic] facebook" when we have no desire ever to be ON facebook???
    How is this different from plain old email?
    Will you ever be able to get Mom & Dad into the 21st c.?
    Which movie should win an oscar?

  2. Rebecca Rosenblum! Jon said he almost had you guys ready to try Facebook but then Dad objected that he might be friended by Rebecca, and that was that.

    This is different from email because we can all see it together, like emailing to all of us together.

    Come to think of it, it's not that different from emailing all together, so maybe we should stick to that!
